Weather Radar : Rain Forecast

by Jun Network



Features of Weather Radar🌎 Weather Radar provides rainfall radar for most areas of the world. • Information provided: global radar, clouds and coverage • Convenient features: radar animation, easy transparency change, 8 radar colors • Map Types: Normal, Composite, Satellite, Terrain🌍 You can easily check for typhoons, hurricanes and storms with this app.🌏 You can check the precipitation radar for 2 hours in the past, current, and 30 minutes in the future. • Coming soon to show 48 hours of past data.🌎 This app provides very smooth and flexible radar animations.♡ Predict the weather in your area with radar.♡ Check the global precipitation and cloud conditions on the map.♡ This app provides 8 radar colors, you can easily change the color of the radar.